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Monday, October 10 2022
Day 17: A Lesson in Generosity

Read Luke 21:1-4

“He said, ‘I assure you that this poor widow has put in more than them all.’” -Luke 21:3

There is more to generosity than meets the eye. We have a tendency to judge generosity by the size of the gift. Viewed this way, a gift that has several zeroes at the end is more valuable than one that does not.

Certainly, we should be grateful for persons who have the capacity to make such gifts and are willing to do so. Yet, Jesus teaches us a very important lesson today. Generosity has less to do with size and more to do with sacrifice. When someone only gives what is easy or comfortable, or as the passage puts it “out of their spare change,” is that really generosity, even if the amount is large? The two small coins from the widow meant more to Jesus than all the other gifts that day because they were truly a sacrifice.

As we all imagine the future and consider how we might be a part of making God’s mission happen, sacrifice is an important concept to remember. If we offer our best rather than our leftovers, God’s blessings will surely overflow.   

Imagine Jesus, sitting in the temple, watching everyone approach the offering box. As you put yours in, does he say to himself, “spare change” or “sacrifice”?

What kind of gift would represent a sacrifice for you in this endeavor?

Posted by: AT 12:53 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

    St. Paul's United Methodist Church
    1340 3rd Ave SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403


    Office Hours:
    Monday-Thursday | 9:00 am-4:00 pm
    Friday | 9:00 am -12:00 pm 


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