We would be honored to serve you and your family in the sacrament of Holy Baptism. To discuss the meaning of baptism and to schedule a baptism, one of our pastors will visit with you. To begin this conversation, talk to one of our pastors, submit an online request, or call the church office at 319-363-2058.
The sacrament of Holy Baptism is God's word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace and is our word to God promising our response of faith and love. Those within this covenant constitute the community we call the Church. That’s why the baptisms are conducted during public worship services before the congregation--the nurturing community that is part of the covenant. Because baptism initiates us into Christ's whole Church and not only into a denomination, United Methodists recognize all Christian baptisms and look upon baptism as something that should unite, rather than divide, Christians.
Jesus commanded us to be baptized when he said to his followers, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” -Matthew 28:19.
Through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, we remember God’s grace, receive God’s grace, and have the assurance that God’s grace will not end. Baptism is the beginning of a lifetime journey with God and God’s people. Everything we do as Christians originates and is nourished through the grace given in baptism.
Jesus tells us in scripture that children belong to the kingdom of God. Baptizing children signifies their inclusion in the Church and into God’s grace before they can respond for themselves. When parents bring their children to be baptized, they, along with the congregation, make a covenant to nurture them in the Christian faith.