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Caring Ministries

Whether you have a caregiver’s heart or need to be cared for (or both!), St. Paul’s is the right place for you. Caring for one another is at the heart of St. Paul’s mission. Where our gifts, graces, and talents intersect with our deepest passions, that intersection is where God is calling us into ministry. At St. Paul’s, we have many opportunities for giving support, friendship, and loving encouragement to people of all ages. Serving with any of our caring ministry teams can bring immeasurable blessings to both the recipient and to the caregiver in ministry.

Get Help/Give Help

If you need a helping hand or if you would like to be involved in caring ministries, contact Rev. Terra Amundson at 319-334-0603 or any of the ministry team members listed in the ministries below. You can also call the church office at 319-363-2058.

Hospital Care Counseling Care Center & In-home Visitation Eucharistic Ministry Grief Ministry Worship Transportation Parish Nurse Ministry DVD Ministry Newborn Ministry Flower Delivery Blood Pressure Checks Care Notes

    St. Paul's United Methodist Church
    1340 3rd Ave SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403


    Office Hours:
    Monday-Thursday | 9:00 am-4:00 pm
    Friday | 9:00 am -12:00 pm 


    © St. Paul's United Methodist Church