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Service Opportunities

Enjoy this fantastic opportunity to join the St. Paul's Children and Youth Ministries. We seek warm-hearted individuals to join our Family Ministry Team on Wednesdays and Sundays to help lead our programming. When you volunteer with us, you'll be positively impacting young lives and joining a supportive team passionate about helping children and youth on their faith journey. It's a fantastic chance to be part of something special and make a real difference!

Kids' Ministry Volunteer

Wednesdays 6:00-7:45 pm

  • Position: Small-Group Leader
  • Responsibilities: Lead activities and discussions for small groups (Pre-K, K-2, and 3-5). Lessons and supplies are provided.
  • Commitment: Sign up for open weeks. It is preferred that volunteers sign up for 2-3 consecutive weeks for continuity.

Sundays 10:10-11:15 am

  • Position: Sunday School Leader
  • Responsibilities: Assist in leading activities and discussions for children PK-5th grade. Lessons and supplies are provided
  • Commitment: It is preferred that volunteers sign up for 2-3 consecutive weeks for continuity.

Youth Ministry Volunteer

  • Weekly Positions: Engage with grades 6-12 in discussions, activities, and fellowship
    • Wednesday Night Youth Group: 6:00-7:45 pm
    • Sunday Afternoon Youth Co-Op: Times can vary, typically 2:00-4:00 pm every other Sunday
      • Commitment: It is preferred that volunteers sign up for 2-3 consecutive weeks for continuity.
  • Special Events Postion: Assist with organizing and facilitating special youth events.
    • Commitment: As needed

To learn more or sign up, please contact Becca Nims. We are excited to welcome you as we dedicate ourselves to nurturing vibrant children, youth, and family ministries! Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve!

Volunteer Opportunity in Wellington Heights/Mound View Neighborhoods

In the wake of the First Avenue HyVee's closure, the city is looking for volunteers to canvas the area to put door hangers on doors, letting neighbors know of resources available to address the gaps. The plan is for this work to happen between August 1st and 10th, with training provided. If you want to learn more and/or to sign up, you can do so here.

NMEP Update & Invitation to Serve August 19-23

St. Paul’s next week to host is coming soon! Check your calendars and plan to sign up to serve the week of August 19-13. Sign up online at or contact Kate Buroker. It’s fun and rewarding to meet and serve our Wellington Heights neighbors!  

Willis Dady Seeks to Partner with SPUMC

Aaron Admundson, Development Director for Willis Day Homeless Services, met with St. Paul's Sending to Serve committee in May. He talked about ways that SPUMC could partner with Willis Dady to serve people experiencing homelessness. Contact Brad Colton for more information. Below are ways that SPUMC members can help:

  1. Serve as a Day Center Volunteer
  2. Volunteer as a receptionist
  3. Contribute money or personal hygiene items

If anyone is interested in volunteering they can apply here.

Gardening Volunteers Needed

St. Paul’s has so much land that it is a challenge for some people to keep it planted and weeded. We want to compile a list of people willing to donate an hour every week or so to help keep our grounds looking their best. At the moment, the curved section on 3rd Avenue desperately needs weeding and planting easy-care plants. Perhaps you even have some plants to donate for that shady, dry area! If you are interested in volunteering or want more information, please contact: Marilyn Lodge or Kathy Colton.


Click here to learn about exciting upcoming events happening at St. Paul's UMC. 

  • Wander, listen, and respond to the beauty of nature. 
  • Listen to the stories seeds tell.
  • Bring items you no longer use to the Welcome Space tables for Sunday Swaps and take what you will use. 
  • Come and enjoy a meal at Neighborhood Meals this summer.
  • Join us for a summer concert called "Where Did the Summer Go?"
  • Join us for a Women's Retreat where we will learn, enjoy fellowship, and partake in creative and contemplative activities in a peaceful indoor and outdoor setting at Prairiewoods. 
  • Make a splash at our Pool Party at Ellis Pool on August 24th for an intergenerational gathering.
  • Discern our essential conversations together.
  • Sign-up for a Hands-free CPR Class
  • Take a Celebration Belle Mississippi River Boat Cruise with other United Methodists.
  • Vacation at St. Paul's Cabin in Clear Lake, Iowa.
  • Purchase St. Paul's merchandise online.
  • Connect to others with St. Paul's Realm.

    St. Paul's United Methodist Church
    1340 3rd Ave SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403


    Office Hours:
    Monday-Thursday | 9:00 am-4:00 pm
    Friday | 9:00 am -12:00 pm 


    © St. Paul's United Methodist Church