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We hope you enjoy these sermon videos from recent worship services and are encouraged by the message from God’s Word. Visit our YouTube channel to see additional videos.

"Growing in Community: Branches
Rev. Ryan Roth-Klinck | July 14, 2024

This week, we ask ourselves, "How do we discern what is right?" We look at the gospel of John's text about the vine and the branches. Jesus asks us to consider which branches to keep and trim. Sometimes, it's evident that a branch is dead, but other times, it's harder to tell what needs to be released. This process of discerning what to prune can be helpful for us as we determine how God is calling us to act and what is right for us to do. Sermon based on John 15:1-12.

"Growing in Community: Grow"
Rev. Jonathan Heifner & Rev. Ryan Roth-Klinck | June 30, 2024

What does it mean to dream dreams? How do we grow into the dreams God has called us to move towards? Are there times when God asks us to expand our dreams to something greater? This Sunday, we will continue to look at the image of a tree and consider what it means to grow. Jonathan and Ryan will preach together and cast a vision for the future of St. Paul’s! Sermon based on John 14:25-27.

"Growing in Community: Rooted"
Rev. Jonathan Heifner | June 23, 2024

As we embark on our Growing in Community capital campaign, this corresponding worship series will call us to prayer, faith, and commitment. Using the image of a tree, we remember that generosity grows deep when it is rooted in gratitude, prayer and discernment allow the branches to grow to new heights, and the seeds of faithfulness make it possible for new life to spring up from the soil. Sermon is based on Colossians 2:1-7.

"Consider the Ravens"
Rev. Jonathan Heifner | June 16, 2024

The Bible is full of stories of beloved heroes of faith, but if we pay attention to the characters who fade into the background, the story gets a lot richer. In the middle of Pride month and with some new directions in the United Methodist Church, we will listen to some of the characters, ancient and modern, who have been pushed out of the story. Sermon based on Genesis 7: 1-6, 17-24 and Genesis 8: 1-3, 6-12.

St. Paul's Foundation Board Members | June 9, 2024

We don’t often think about gratitude, but it is essential to our faith. We are undoubtedly grateful for God’s unconditional love and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. But we also are grateful for many blessings within our church. One of those blessings is the St. Paul’s Foundation, which solely supports our beloved church and its missions. Sermon based on Luke 17:11-17.

Rev. Jonathan Heifner | June 2, 2024

Summer is here! It's time for cookouts, swimming pools, and lazy days under the sun. But something keeps on nagging us not to slow down. Something tells us to stop being so lazy. Something says, "No, keep on working!" This Sunday, we will read two stories about the Sabbath and consider what Jesus has to teach us about the relationship between work and rest. Sermon based on Mark 2:23-3:6 adapted from The Voice.

"Trinitarian: God and Relationship" 
Rev. Jonathan Heifner | May 26, 2024

The Holy Trinity can leave us scratching our heads. We believe in one God, but there is a Trinity within God. How does that work? Three in one? One in three? And why doesn’t the Bible ever explain what the Trinity is, but then we in the church say we believe in the Trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? On Holy Trinity Sunday, we will explore God’s Holy Trinity mystery together. Sermon based on Isaiah 6:1-8 and John 3:16-17.

"Trinitarian: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost"
Rev. Jonathan Heifner | May 19, 2024

Fifty days after Easter, some rather strange things happen amongst the people of Jerusalem. A sound like the wind comes down from heaven, tongues of fire appear over people’s heads, and people can suddenly understand languages they had never spoken. Like these strange events, the Holy Spirit is considered the least familiar member of the Holy Trinity. God is God, Jesus was a human, but the Spirit is hard to explain. It’s strange, a bit odd, and full of mystery. This Sunday, we will unpack the events of Pentecost and seek to understand better who/what the Holy Spirit is. Sermon based on Acts 2:1-20 adapted from the NRSV

    St. Paul's United Methodist Church
    1340 3rd Ave SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403


    Office Hours:
    Monday-Thursday | 9:00 am-4:00 pm
    Friday | 9:00 am -12:00 pm 


    © St. Paul's United Methodist Church